Books & Articles on effective advisory programs


The Advisory Guide:

Designing and Implementing Effective Advisory Programs in Secondary Schools

Rachel A. Poliner & Carol Miller Lieber

Educators for Social Responsibility, Cambridge, MA 2004

The Advisory Guide supports middle and high school leaders to create advisory groups tailored to their school. It includes activities, guidance for designing schedules, grouping, professional development, assessment, internal marketing, and managing change.

“Designing Advisories for Resilience”

Educational Leadership, Sept 2013, p50

“Creating Advisories: A Few Notes from the Field”

offering common pitfalls & suggestions about implementation,

Rachel Poliner & Carol Miller Lieber, Horace, Coalition of Essential Schools,

Featured in:

“An Advisory Advantage,”

Education Week, March 2007

“Getting Advisory Right,”

Harvard Education Letter, Feb 2007

Based in years of working with real classrooms resulting in material that works...

Leadership, Change, Faculty Culture

Courses to coaching, all forms of PD...

Leading through Conflict & Change Institute - Independent School Assoc of the Central States (ISACS), California charter school leadership institutes, varied districts

Collegial Culture Institute - ISACS, districts

Over 37,000 copies sold

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“Everyday Classroom Practices that

Foster Resilience”